Monday, April 26, 2010

Remove Hm Soul Silver

Journalist "Gastronomy Gastronomy or Communicator? Le Gourmet

April 26 Today I had the opportunity to attend the Culinary Journalism Forum "Communism as an essential ingredient of success," the panelists who spoke were: Rosanna Di Turi (El Nacional), Adriana Gibbs (El Universal), Ana Maria Rodriguez (Marcom Communications), Sasha Correa (Kitchen & Wine Magazine) and special guest Ignacio Medina, English food critic who among the female force that surrounded him with a golden hill one morning of interesting topics and discussions on the practice of communication in our country cuisine. Thanks in advance

the Restaurant Le Gourmet pioneers in this type of initiative for the invitation.

Shortly before the talks begin met Mr. Medina and I found a very nice, pleasant and without half the airs of arrogance, just the opposite to what one imagines that a character can be devoted exclusively to criticize restaurants, at least so I thought.

Then tell them or try to convey what was in short my first day in journalism, from now confess that I became huge desire to attend many more.

Rosanna Di Turi began with phrase that stuck with me immediately: "You are not trivial but trivial ways to address issues"

My summary:

always be given a different view of the same subject in the case of Venezuela must find ways to preserve and appreciate the culinary traditions and that lack of interest could be lost culinary gems that would make our national identity.

I loved his speech because he is a person who has gone looking for the origin of many of the products we buy and / or consume not imagine where they come from finding a host of difficulties to reach principio de esa cadena.

Ejemplos de recetas sin escribir que solo conoce el que las hace y no tiene a quien transmitirlas, son testimonios preocupantes pero a la vez alentadores porque invitan al comunicador a sentir curiosidad e ir tras la noticia o el reportaje.

En pocas palabras: Periodismo para preservar nuestras costumbres.

Luego fue el turno de Adriana Gibbs quien me dejo gratamente sorprendida ya que su intervención fue corta pero precisa, mientras iba hablando surgieron tantas preguntas en mi mente que no pude hacerlas todas por temor a crear una conversación solo entre ella and me.

My summary:

The challenges are primarily a journalist how to select the information that comes being able to separate and I quote: "The wheat straw", is also seeking news and spaces where they originate mainly avoiding newsletters and constant applause when it comes to serious criticism.

very personal
So we talked about the pursuit of honest and lasting kitchen opening his eyes and senses more than talent to decorate a restaurant, so you have to criticize without fear bases because here will come the true proposals attractions that will give identity to our country.

Questions left the air: What stimulates food journalism? and Who wrote the critic?.

In short: must know how to select the information to cover successfully.

third made its appearance Sasha Correa, if you only read my blog without seeing a photo of this girl never can imagine how young he is, or at least appears to, but can not be fooled because let us all with his mouth open, was the first to take your show and a few books, fast-talking, restless and a half clueless (that by itself) began his presentation.

My summary:

should go beyond the obvious and begin to observe, we must stop making a true copy of the press releases and google searches, it is flagged narrative journalism which gave us a few tips but first make clear that this is the kind of line that carries the magazine I worked for 5 years: Kitchen and Wine.

must not only say things also have to show them, we should not settle for the interview only there to narrate from the perspective of the witnesses, playing with space and time, approach something unfamiliar and then bring it to the reader, have courage, curiosity and ingenuity to get what one knows, many times you have to study and observe the characters in your personal environment to understand and better communicate its philosophy. Sasha gave the example of when he could travel to the beach Elena Arzak removing it from their normal duties and how it gave him infinite information to build your story.

particularly love to answer a question that I had done long before: In order to evaluate or critique is necessary based locally have traveled or have originally tried this product?, she said that journalism was an ally for people who have limited travel constantly and doing extensive research on a specific food can inform the public in an objective, even without having tasted the person making the report.

In a nutshell: food journalism narrative

it was the turn then Ana Maria Rodriguez who has a media company would give us a talk from the perspective of someone who invites journalists and the huge responsibility we have with the character that covers the culinary events.

My summary:

"As a restaurant consultant, a brand of wine or gourmet product that is to be released in the middle?

have to know both the product and its power to not repeat strategies; also must have a real vocation of service to journalists and the general partner agency must have real interest and passion for the culinary theme.

People who engage in this particular must develop a taste, learn, study and experience sensations through lived experience, in order must have food culture.

Something that I found very interesting was that in the words of Ana Maria is to be understood that any communication is not media, it seems these days that impossible but contrary it is becoming more common advertising from person to person that even before those of beginners could now handle succeeds like social networks.

In short: Cover successfully gastronomic events

Finally it was his turn to special guest Ignacio Medina With a torrential voice typically English, with black humor that enchants many including me and reminding me a little to the dearest Maria Isabel Mijares adept at making all pay attention in addition to wanting to laugh unintentionally, began by saying: "I want to be a savage who eats and is surprised when it does. "

My summary:

The kitchen is to be an eternal child, describing a feeling you put in the position to manage the words in the most accurate in the mood to convey what feel.

important thing gastronomy is not the cook but the customer and understand a gastronomic must be done from both a personal level that it tasted like the elaborated. Eats to enjoy.

who writes about food should not tell the client how to eat, or as a pairing, or what ingredients to use, it should not transmit the formula for the perfect meal, which is dedicated to writing and counting should only transmit as he likes to eat itself, if the reader likes to be faithful but stopped reading it. We might expect that someone is identified and contribute and share knowledge of tastes in common.

For major palates said almost mockingly that it serves only to distinguish four flavors and we are all the same, some more intense perception thresholds than others but that was not a thermometer of the largest know anyone.

kitchen Referring to clarify that it is dynamic, changing day by day, year after year, for ever and ever, proved here at least five hallacas and came to the conclusion that the ingredient essential and true recipe is what makes everyone in your home.

When referring to food journalism welcomed into the world of subjectivity, there are no absolute truths; the writer should maintain independence and fell into account that the critic never be a likable and more I try, I urge you to always ask and become as curious as a baby knowing the world and develop the taste memory and eaten with it.

The duty of the critic and the writer is to unravel the message that gives the cook and the job requires humility.

nearly killed me with laughter when he said the Venezuelan cuisine is schizophrenic, then explain something very true and that makes us reflect: Cook to please foreign local proposals for local and international proposals.

Finally, at least in this post since leaving the rest for my own selfishness, I loved when he said the food is the most sensual exercise he has encountered in his life go beautiful phrase to refer to their way of earning life.

In short, managing
must know the words to express the feelings

In conclusion I felt this morning was extraordinary, did not know what to expect and wanted the day off a week but the good bit and I had no more to settle and squeeze all that information.

All that has to be curious and always critical if we want this to be a way of life, also to look for ways to excel in the management of information, study and prepare to make a difference.

On my side completely agree with the above added that persons who want to live it and "make the space pulse" (as Ignacio) should have a budget to do so, you have to pay to know, invitations arrived later; I say this from experience.

What I paint this? I am no journalist but all you hear I think I'm a communicator cuisine, be?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How To Build A Wooden Go Kart Petrol

absence of good is Yellowtail.

Well fans and friends, first of all apologize for the quality of the images. Closed, moonless night the photos are rather dark.

Our new entry on mackerel. Since

golden season is becoming hard to get, decided to go for mackerel. The gold did not face. We decided to change and look low.

As soon as the sun set between the 2 lights began stings, went to small amounts. False bites on the floats, presaged a constant night snacks. Good sized mackerel to 90 meters. A non-stop pick reeds.

The sea in perfect condition, quiet and free of moisture. The wind gave us truce and left us quietly fishing.

What did surprise us any large animal, we departed the line 2 veces.De which lost the time of passage of jacks. And attacking the mackerel.

Well folks, in short we hope to make new News and new screenshots. Once again

dedicate this to the people at my side and help. Supporters and friends. The people of the forum pescaficcion and a great friend and brother fleky Chorra.

And especially my little Famila Vinaros.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Network Lock Calculator

Great success!

Once again, a great day and a great acceptance deposited Awa-Shima products!

At 10 am began the exhibition of products and Colmic Awa-Shima.

Two panels were exposed to the products of these prestigious brands. Awa-Shima

accompanied by his top representatives in Spain. David Sales Director, Jean Pierre Director and Jose maria sales representative in Catalonia. Accompanied by Adrian. And the great help of Manolo Surfconcept owner Mataro.

gave great advice on this thread and hook material, put people first assistant deposition, the chance to try the rods Aqualisa Awa-Shima SKICASTER III. And spinning rods. Reels, and wires.

In short hang more pictures of this great day!

thank everyone who participated and attended this event, and especially SURFCONCEPT AWA-SHIMA AND KILL.

Many thanks to all and a big hug to all of you who follow this blog!
Thanks to you and your comments are still struggling.