Monday, March 22, 2010

Funny Biology Cliparts

A ..... executive? I return with news

The truth is that When I started painting I did not know very well what would be the result, but in the end I'm happy, I think it has been funny but not very well it seems, if an executive, a secretary, ... you who do you think?

I am sorry not to update as much as I like, I have a lot of ideas in mind that I hope to be doing little by little in the vole that I have free. And even if you do not leave comments I visit your blogs whenever I can (that I am very nosy, lol).

Friday, March 5, 2010

I-catcher Console - Web Monitorobs

You are all invited! A small advance

Again, AWA-SHIMA delights us with an exhibition of their products. On the beach of Mataro. Where you can learn and test their products number 1!

and a fishing contest run by Surfconcept

Hos have the poster for your information.

expect your assistance and especially eager to have fun!

Encourage them!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Denise Milani Free Fotos

That was fast! And I not been updated since January (I'm a mess!), But hey, better late than never. Every time I have less free time, and no if not me you are organizing is really missing hours to my days. Anyway, today I wanted to teach some of the new stuff I've done, is the couple of my Flemish Flemish whole chest hair. Hope you like it.